

2015-05-18 英语学习笔记

看了一集TBBT, 分享给你一些你应该学以致用的英文。

Wait, 上面图片看懂了吗? catatonic什么意思? 这个笔记只是抛砖引玉,你要学会自己去整理这些“知识点”,自己多动手:)

看美剧一追就是好几年什么心情, 体会一下这句话并且学以致用-- XXX is not a decision to take lightly. 换句话说就是 XXX is a decison to take seriously.

"婚姻大事岂可儿戏?" : Getting married is not a decision to take lightly".

Wrestle with 字面上来看是和人摔角, 指的就是"to try to understand or find a solution to a difficult problem" -- “纠结”!

同样的词还有toy with, be torn between, debate whether/what/, deal with, tackle...(程度和侧重不一样)

Strong suit本是桥牌中的术语,大概是“一手同花顺”之类的。这个词可以理解为“杀手锏” “强项” “拿手好戏”-a desirable quality that is particularly prominent in someone's character or an activity at which they excel.

甜言蜜语是他的强项:Sweet-talking is his strong suit.

地道的一句表示:我不想催/撵你们. rush: to try to make someone do something more quickly than they want to. 一般说这句话就是准备要催你了...

想象一下你已经是“大龄青年”了,父母催你找对象-- I don't want to rush you, but you need to find a girl friend/boy friend.

“黔驴技穷” “无计可施” “Tired, exhausted” 可以用 tap out 来表示 -- 想象一下自来水流干了的景象。 When 'tapped out' is used to describe a person, it means that the person has no more energy to spend of flow.

类似的词还有 burnt out, worn out

想象一下你女朋友问你她今天穿什么好看,试了100件衣服,每一件都让你评头点足一番。 最终你或许会: Well, honey, I'm tapping out😬

neck可以做动词,指的就是“kiss for long time". 类似的词还有 make out, smooch


baloney 大概可以对应中文的“胡说八道”。 类似的词还有 nonesense, bullshit(常说成BS), horseshit

感受一下什么是"drop the hammer". 大概可以理解为“发飙”

有关hammer这个词有几个常用的。我能想到的是hammer out (想出个方法或者策略); 喝酒喝的有点晕那个状态可以是hammered;


参与“研讨会”的同学,明晚8点歪歪语音见:) 届时, 你也可以分享给我你在美剧中学到的英文哦。


